About A Network of Networks

A Network of Networks

Design for the Common Good (DCG) is a website and coalition of purpose-driven networks committed to design practice, education and research that improves social, economic and environmental outcomes.

There are design practitioners, educators, students and activists globally who work together for the betterment of communities under a variety of initiatives such as Social Impact Design and Public Interest Design. The DCG website serves as a collaborative access point for those interested and involved in this work to share best practices, engage in dialogue and get connected with opportunities to make purposeful contributions. DCG will work to extend conversations and deepen global connections through a series of international conferences and awards.

The website serves as a “network of networks.” Free registration gives visitors access to the DCG community platform and connects them with an introduction to this field of work, inspiration, education, writing, research and, most importantly, each other. In this way, Design for the Common Good brings together the confluence of forces needed to create truly healthy, resilient and sustainable design projects that will positively change the world.

DCG Projects Map
Group of people posing for a picture together | DCG Network Members

Our Objectives

Communication and Knowledge Exchange are the Heart of DCG


Design for the Common Good strengthens the confluence of forces needed to create healthy, resilient, and sustainable design projects that will further positive change in the world. Stronger together, we promote systemic change in the practices of design with the intent of building on the common ground we share. Through our work we promote collaboration and seek partnerships that further the growth of the network.


Design for the Common Good aspires to be an incubator for best practices, education, training, and outreach in public interest design. In doing so we grow the knowledgebase and global capacity for the practice of PID.

Founding networks

Four international networks have combined efforts to support and promote systemic change in the practices of design with the intent of building on the common ground they share. While each network has a unique focus, we acknowledge our common ground: supporting the growth of design for the common good.

DesignBuildXchange logo


a platform that engages people to actively participate in building a better world by connecting professional education with practice, scientific research and social engagement

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Live Projects Network logo

Live Projects Network

an online resource to share practice and connect students, educators, clients, practitioners and researchers involved in live projects

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Pacific Rim Community logo

Pacific Rim Community Design Network

provides a vehicle for collaboration and mutual support for a comparative understanding of community design in the fast-changing political and social context of the Pacific Rim

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SEED Network logo

SEED Network

advances the goal that design can play a role in working with communities to address the critical challenges faced by communities across the globe

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Our Shared Values

  • Building knowledge: expanding on best practices and providing knowledge databases that evolve with relevant PID inputs over time
  • Growing capacity: measured growth that evolves and continually reshapes the relevance of the network
  • Global perspective: not only through a general audience but in engagement with those learning as well as producing PID work around the world, we envision a global exchange whereby the breadth of inclusivity is represented
  • Local accountability: on the ground, local representation of projects and people that grow from the relevance of place
  • Sustained dialogue: a venue for critical discourse and exchange that shapes new opportunities for learning, collaborating, and producing
  • Mutual exchange: demonstration of shared values that bring interested audiences to the network regardless of their level of professional knowledge in the field
  • Agency: whether through individual or collective action, the network empowers the productive engagement of all people
  • Inclusion: equality represented though access to a range of services, perspectives, and resources
  • Community-centered: promoting collaboration not only in our work but in our relationships with and within our networks

Thank You

A special thank you to the Curry Stone Foundation for their generous support in the development of the Design for the Common Good web platform.