
Living Rooms at the Border explores the interface between affordable housing and public space, focusing on small parcels in low-income neighborhoods, where incremental density is…

Used to host weddings, birthday parties, funerals, and much more, the community hall is at the heart of communities throughout Fiji. The Naidi community has…

In India there is immense focus on the health and livelihoods of sex workers, but a lack of attention paid to their living and working…

The Passerine Pavilion is a universally accessible pavilion perched atop Wells Overlook Park and designed to complement the existing scenic overlook tower. Commanding views of…

Grange Pavilion began as a partnership project between Cardiff University’s Community Gateway and residents’ groups Grangetown Community Action and Grange Pavilion Project to redevelop a…

The Ger Innovation Hub provides much-needed community infrastructure to residents living in the ger districts of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. The project is the first of its…